
Avoid the phentermine hassle

What is Phentermine?

Phentermine, a schedule IV controlled substance, is the most popular prescription obesity medication in the U.S., with over 25 million prescriptions dispensed between 2008 and 2011. Phentermine is an amphetamine that increases the availability of dopamine and norepinephrine through selective inhibition of neurotransmitter reuptake.

While this activity helps the patient reduce their appetite in the short term, the availability of neurotransmitters signals the brain to reduce its production of these neurotransmitters. Eventually the depletion of neurotransmitters renders the phentermine ineffective and may negatively impact the patients quality of life. Studies have confirmed that use of reuptake inhibitors ultimately decreases the amount of neurotransmitters. “The only way to increase the total number of [neurotransmitters] is through a nutritional approach with administration of […] amino acid precursors” (Hinz et al, 2011).

Side effects

Phentermine may be considered ‘safe’ by FDA standards, but it shouldn’t be used by everyone. The insert for a popular name-brand phentermine lists 11 common side effects and 9 potential contraindications. In a study examining the efficacy of phentermine, 72% of phentermine users reported 1 or more adverse side effects

Regulatory Headaches

In addition to concerns about side effects and contraindications, phentermine carries a large regulatory burden. While the specific regulations vary by state, most states have restrictions on who can receive phentermine, and for how long. If a patient is found to be outside these restrictions, pharmacists may be instructed not to fill the prescription despite the doctor’s wishes.

Replenish Neurotransmitters Naturally

Amino acid L-Phenylalanine is the precursor to Dopamine and Norepinephrine, leading to naturally elevated levels of these essential neurotransmitters without interfering with reuptake pathways.

L-Phenylalanine is also known to cause a release of cholecystokinin (CCK), the satiety hormone.

Studies have found L-Phenlyalanine to be very effective for suppressing the appetite. Subjects consumed an average of 1587 kilocalories after taking placebo, but only 1089 kilocalories after taking phenylalanine—a 31% reduction in caloric intake. There were no reports of any side effects.

In summary:

Problems with phentermine:

  • Restrictions on who can use and for how long
  • Regulations differ state-by-state
  • Addiction & Withdrawal concerns
  • Contraindications

Benefits of l-phenylalanine

  • Non-Controlled, no record-keeping
  • Safe for all ages
  • Safe for long term use
  • Can be used by patients not medically approved for stimulants

Read more about L-Phenylalanine in our WHITE PAPER

Jon Legere

Jon Legere is the Director of Marketing at Legere Pharmaceuticals, where he oversees all strategic marketing initiatives, brand development, and customer engagement efforts. With an MBA and 11 years of specialized experience in the dietary supplement industry, Jon brings a wealth of knowledge in consumer behavior, product positioning, and digital marketing strategies. His expertise has been pivotal in driving growth, innovation, and market share for Legere Pharmaceuticals, as he remains committed to promoting health and wellness through cutting-edge supplements.

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